What We Do

We’ve got problems. Big problems. 
Today’s chaotic information environment is contributing to everything from a breakdown in democracy to a mental health emergency in kids. While there are many experts working on specific facets of what some call “information disorder,” they haven’t joined forces. GMS is a cultural intervention aimed at bringing them together and catalyzing a large-scale movement for change.

How We Do It

GMS is the only group implementing a broad culture change strategy with multiple touchpoints over many years to create the conditions for a healthy media environment. We activate by:
  • Cultivating widespread human-centered values in a tech-heavy world 
  • Catalyzing a large-scale, nationwide embrace of basic media literacy education
  • Empowering adults and kids with the tools, information, and resources to insist on a safeguarded media ecosystem and make healthy media choices.

Who We Are

GMS is a collective of carefully-selected movement builders, creative practitioners, futurists and media & technology experts who are hatching pop culture interventions and devising educational initiatives to catalyze a nationwide embrace of 21st century media literacy survival skills. We create collective power by uniting an array of stakeholders – from parents and journalists, to physicians and researchers – to foster widespread cultural change. Join us.
Our Founding Advisors
Our founding advisors are experts in their fields working with Get Media Savvy to establish a healthy media environment for kids and families.
Our Braintrust
Members of our braintrust possess extraordinary creative gifts or understand the central role of media in human affairs — or both — and work with Get Media Savvy to generate pop culture interventions.
About Our Founder
Julie Scelfo is the founder and executive director of Get Media Savvy. She’s a longtime journalist, a media ecologist, and mother of three on a quest to restore the conditions for good mental and civic health.